MENTOROLOGIST ON DEMAND How Supervising Exam Prep Can Help Supervisors Foster Better BCBAs (No CEUs)


For most BCBA candidates, the daunting task of passing the exam overshadows everything else leading up to certification. By the time their coursework and supervised experience hours have been completed, students should walk into the Pearson Vue test center feeling prepared and ready to pass. However, many students report feeling a disconnect between the practical knowledge needed for the exam and what they have encountered professionally and academically. In this talk, Pass the Big ABA Exam co-founder Dana Meller will share practical strategies that supervisors can employ to support their supervisees in connecting their day-to-day clinical work and supervision activities to the Task List. In contrast to the commonly practiced rote memorization and text book fluency, which only provide students with a surface-level understanding, these strategies will help supervisors encourage fluency-building through practical application and long-term retention. Time will be reserved for attendee participation as we explore this topic together. Objectives: 1. Participants will learn how to support BCBA candidates toward their exam success. 2. Participants will learn to connect applied work to task list concepts for exam success. 3. Participants will learn to help BCBA candidates generalize exam prep activities toward their day to work as frontline staff and in their eventual roles as supervisors. 4. Participants will learn to normalize exam preparation and lessen the anxieties associated with passing the exam/pleasing their employers. Presenter: Dana Meller, BCBA